Specialty Applications
Safe solutions with effective results.
Leveraging our experienced operations personnel, RTI’s reliable solutions for challenges beyond de-oiling require 75% less temporary equipment, 67% less effluent generation, and yield shorter timeline durations.
Neutralization Made Easy
We’ve simplified the process of neutralizing sulfuric acid alkylation units with Alky Treat and by utilizing our space-saving, proprietary mixing tee. Our innovative circulation approach eliminates the need for temporary tanks, requires 75% less personnel, shortens the duration required to neutralize, and eliminates acid sludge resulting in a superior clean upon opening.

Stop Stress Corrosion Cracking in its Tracks
Polythionic acid (PTA) can cause cracking in 300 series stainless steel and other alloys. The formula behind PTA Treat can create a solution to prevent this costly damage from happening. With one 275-gallon tote of PTA Treat, you can make 10,000 gallons of solution.
Chloride stress corrosion cracking (Cl SCC) is another corrosion threat to 300 series stainless steel and other alloys. Just one 275-gallon tote of CL Treat can make 20,000 gallons of 0.4% solution to prevent the damage.

Vapor Phase Fuel Gas Iron Scale Removal
Our inhibited citrate-based chemistry is injected into low pressure steam to quickly eliminate iron scale in piping systems (most commonly, fuel gas systems). Safer for personnel and equipment than alternate treatment options, piping is left cleaner in less time, minimal mechanical requirements, and decreased effluent generation.
Liquid Phase acid washing
RTI offers a traditional acid washing solution to eliminate inorganic scales such as iron scale and carbonates. The superior de-oiling solution used in RTI’s acid circulation process differs from other methods by ensuring the acid solution has proper contact with scale resulting in a superior outcome. The residual acid left in the system is neutralized along with the bulk effluent, ensuring the system is neutral and non-corrosive and effluent can be easily disposed of.
No More Steel Cracking
Chloride is another corrosion threat to 300 series stainless steel and other alloys. Just one 275-gallon tote of CL Treat can make 20,000 gallons of solution to prevent the damage.
Make Neutralizing Easy
We’ve simplified the process of neutralizing sulfuric acid alkylation units with the chemistry of Alky Treat and by utilizing our space-saving, proprietary mixing tee. One 330-gallon tote can produce 11,880 gallons of solution and make safe, on-site sulfuric alky neutralization a reality.